Friday, 19 November 2010

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Lovely things!

It was my birthday last week and I had some lovely gifts I felt I should share.
Firstly some wonderful measuring cups from John Lewis. I have loved for a while.
Also some beautiful earrings of the lovely Rachel from Wallpaper Rose Jewellery.


Annnndddd The 1950's Scrapbook which has some awesomely inspiring stuff in.


Last weekend we took a trip to across the bridge to Tintern Abbey. Autumney joy.


More photos than drawings of late. Life is busy busy in many ways. En route to getting some ideas on paper in colour form soon!

Monday, 1 November 2010

Autumn trees and all hallows eve

The weekend was a lovely few days of walking in Westonbirt,
baking a birthday cake and pumpkins. Lovely!

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


Bits and Bobs

I have suddenly organised myself and have discovered things to share!

These are just a random collection of recent sketchbook pages,
mostly things which haven't quite made it onto a nice piece of paper yet.

Old and New

I recently got a film developed which was taken over a year ago.
It was like a little collection of lovely cornish memories.
Also, some photos from the wonderful End of the Road festival.
Nothing like a good old fashioned film.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

A new friend...

He keeps popping up more and more...

End of the Road this weekend!

I do hope the weather like this...

Sadly I think wellies shall be needed.

Monday, 9 August 2010

I am in love...

Check out these beautiful illustrations from
M. Saseks This is 'San Francisco' and 'This is New York'
They are something I have wanted for a long while and they were well worth it!

Amongst other things (while not spending money I shouldn't) I have been doodling dogs
for a new book.
It is early days yet, but it should be fun.

Sunday, 25 July 2010


I must start getting better at this now I have nothing to do...
So being a graduate is strange.
New designers was really good! Spoke to lots of interesting people and got lots of contacts and such like.
Current aim: work hard at working hard. Get lots of new NEW stuff done and speak to lots of people!
As for the moment. I am currently becoming my mothers new housecleaner. I managed to sort a 'studio' also known as the other end of my room....

I have surrounded myself with brilliant works of the likes of Miff Weaver, Cathrine Finnema, Julia Pott, Nigel Peake, Owen Davey, Mike Perry, M. Sasek and a bit of my own thrown in for good measure to remind me how I am here.

mmm books.

Also, starting next week I will be exhibiting in the 'Falphabet' exhibition.
This was organised by the wonderful Zoe Baker and will be at the Malt Cross Gallery in Nottingham. It features a number of splendid works from my fellow graduates so check it out!
That is on from 29th July- 5th August.
I decided, a little last minute, to do something new to send up to Nottingham.
First bit of illustration done since graduating and out of the Falmouth bubble and watchful eye of Mr Male. I was really great to do!
I found a quote by Amelia Earhart and came up with an image for it.
Sadly due to lack of A3 scanner I don't have a great reproduction of it... oh well.

Other than a bit of illustration, cleaning and venturing about the country, I have mostly being doing a bit of baking here and there.
I do like baking.

Saturday, 1 May 2010


Sooooooo. Everything is all systems gogogogo at the moment.
Many things happening, with New York soon which is exciting.
Finaaalllyyyy managed to get my website up yesterday.


And here is a spread from my most recent childrens book called Dawn and Dusk
which, I found out yesterday has been highly commended by the Macmillan childrens book awards 2010...which I am so happy about...
and was then even more so when I found out my other book
has also been highly commended.
Which is.

I think it is safe to say. Yesterday. Most excellent day.
Happy smiles.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Friday, 16 April 2010

Hello then!

It has been a while. Life has been somewhat manic of late, what with going places, coming back, working almost full time and trying to get a whole book done in between.
But I am nearly there.
Here is the very first page from it :)

Friday, 19 February 2010

W is for Wolf... a waistcoat, with a walking stick.