Sunday, 25 July 2010


I must start getting better at this now I have nothing to do...
So being a graduate is strange.
New designers was really good! Spoke to lots of interesting people and got lots of contacts and such like.
Current aim: work hard at working hard. Get lots of new NEW stuff done and speak to lots of people!
As for the moment. I am currently becoming my mothers new housecleaner. I managed to sort a 'studio' also known as the other end of my room....

I have surrounded myself with brilliant works of the likes of Miff Weaver, Cathrine Finnema, Julia Pott, Nigel Peake, Owen Davey, Mike Perry, M. Sasek and a bit of my own thrown in for good measure to remind me how I am here.

mmm books.

Also, starting next week I will be exhibiting in the 'Falphabet' exhibition.
This was organised by the wonderful Zoe Baker and will be at the Malt Cross Gallery in Nottingham. It features a number of splendid works from my fellow graduates so check it out!
That is on from 29th July- 5th August.
I decided, a little last minute, to do something new to send up to Nottingham.
First bit of illustration done since graduating and out of the Falmouth bubble and watchful eye of Mr Male. I was really great to do!
I found a quote by Amelia Earhart and came up with an image for it.
Sadly due to lack of A3 scanner I don't have a great reproduction of it... oh well.

Other than a bit of illustration, cleaning and venturing about the country, I have mostly being doing a bit of baking here and there.
I do like baking.